Friday, November 21, 2008

The bible Belt.

All southern states of united states are known as the bible belt. they are mainly baptist churches.
the main states are texas, arizona, okhalahoma, missippi, alabama, georgia, tenesse, arkansa , missuri, NS carolina, virginia, west virginia, iowa , nebraska

funny question

What 4 letter word can be a name for a woman and end in U-N-T

if ur guess is other than AUNT your mind is corrupted. better go do a confession

Andrew Carnegie

he was one of the richest man during the 1890's.
he founded the carniege steel company.
more information about this legent can be found here

he and henry ford lived in the same era. and they were great friends too

Harry Belafonte

He is from Jamaica
He is a Great guy.
He sang the Banana boat Song.
the link to this song is

Another famous concert by him is Matilda.
It was sung in the Karniege hall.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

some good proverbs for daily use mainly jewish....

1) Man plans God laughs
2) The closer to the synagogue the farther from God.
3) You can't chew with someone Else's teeth.
4) Words should be weighed not counted.
5) if you want your dreams to come true don't sleep too much.
6) if u will lie for me you will to me.
7) Expecting life to be fair because you are a nice person is like expecting a lion not to eat you because you are a vegetarian.
8) Better to desire what you have than what you desire
